Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Care 101: Propagation, Grow and Care Guide

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant is a beautiful plant from the Araceae family that enhances your living space aesthetic.

This plant is a tropical perennial that grows well under tropical conditions that can be used as Houseplants. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant is native to Southern Thailand and to Malaysia.

You will find it in many homes planted in pots. There are several characteristics of the plant that make it preferred. For example, it produces beautiful foliage that makes homeowners prefer it. It does not grow to talk, making it manageable to have indoors.

Those who are interested in planting beautiful plants in their homes prefer it. It is among the rare plants you can introduce to your interior space. Sometimes it is good to stay unique; the plant will bring uniqueness to your home.

You need to know several things about the plant before you decide to take care of it. Here are some of the everyday things to note before introducing Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma into your living space.

Common Names:Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Mini Monstera
Botanical Name:Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
Plant Family:Araceae
Plant Type:Tropical perennial vine
Origin/Native:Asia and Africa
Care Level:Easy to care
Grow Zone:9b - 12b (USDA Hardiness Zone)
Size:6 - 8 feet tall with a spread of 1 - 1.5 feet indoors. Up to 20 ft. tall outdoors.
Soil Requirement:Light and well-draining soil with low pH levels and nutrient-rich.
Water Requirement:Medium moisture levels
Sun/Lighting:Full sun (not direct), but require bright light
Temperature Req:65 - 85 °F (18 to 29 °C)
Propagation:Stem cutting
Toxicity:Toxic to pets but not humans
Flowering/Color:Yes/ Mix of white and green colors
Uses:House plant for decorative purposes, air purification.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Plant Overview

It is a rare tropical plant that has small ornamental leaves. The leaves can spread up to 6 inches with the overall plant height can be reached up to 12 feet. They then split into lobes and these vining plants use aerial roots and climb up the poles.

You will be required to have some form of support so that the tree can climb on your balcony. The aerial roots play a great role in clinging to nearby obstacles. It is a fast-growing plant you can introduce to your home.

It is a small plant that resembles Monstera Deliciosa making it get the name Mini Monstera.

Uses of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Plant

The plant has several uses. For instance, people introduce it to their homes to humidify the home. There are some dry seasons when the air in the home can be too dry. Homeowners can introduce the tree to spread humidity in the home.

Apart from playing a significant role in humidifying the home, it is also a critical tree you can get to improve the beauty of your home. It has beautiful leaves that make it very attractive to any home.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Size and Appearance

The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma has green ornamental leaves. You will enjoy having a plant that has leaves that resemble Monstera delicious. The leave can grow up to 6 inches in width and have great green foliage in a home.

Those who are interested in enjoying a beautiful-looking tree prefer it. The lobes are split into lavish, beautiful-looking greenery. Provide a steady climbing pole, and it will climb up to 12 feet on your balcony.

It has aerial roots that make it easy for the tree to climb obstacles. Count on the tree for the best interior experience.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Care & Growing

There are several requirements that you may need to be aware of when growing Rhaphidophora Tetrasperm before you buy the plant.

It requires certain temperatures, humidity, and other variables that make it available for plants to have at home. For example, it requires certain soil specifications and watering requirements.

Some of the requirements of the plant are:

– Soil Requirement

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma requires aerated soil. You need to look for soil that drains well if you want your plant to do well. You can use peat-based and fertile soil.

Mixing pine bark, perlite, and peat moss is a great combination to keep the plant growing well. It has aerial roots that make it require a high level of aeration. Ensure you avoid the introduction of pests when potting the plant.

If you can get the right soil with a high level of aeration and water the plant well, you will find it growing well.

– Watering the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Plant

You should ensure you water Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. The plant is grown in pots and requires regular watering. Ensure the plant is watered, but it should not be waterlogged. The layering part of the water should stay dry but ensure you water the plant regularly.

Apply water sparingly to avoid flooding the pot because it can affect the plant.

– Lighting

The plant requires bright light. Keep it away from direct sunlight, and it will thrive. The plant grows under other trees in the natural environment. When introducing it to your home, ensure it is east-facing to get the required sunlight.

The plant should get morning sunlight to do well in the process. When you get the plant into your home, ensure it is well watered to stay healthy.

– Required Temperature Range

The average temperature required to keep the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant is about 55 to 85 °F (13 to 29 °C). Avoid extreme temperatures, and your plant will be doing well.

To avoid extreme temperature, ensure you place the plant in a place where it will not be in direct sunlight. The plant will do well at room temperature. Avoid temperatures where you will feel it is too hot.

Going to a temperature that is too hot will affect the plant. Always ensure you get the required temperature to keep the plant comfortable.

– Humidity Requirements

The plant should get the humidity that is available in tropical climates. It would be best if you did not expose it to too much humidity. Provided you are comfortable at home, the plant will still do well.

It is an indoor plant that will grow well if you provide it with the proper humidity levels. The moisture should be average. Provided you feel comfortable when at home, then the humidity is suitable for the plant. A humidity of 30% is enough for the plant.

– Use of Fertilizing

Sometimes the pot may not have enough fertilizer. You must apply fertilizer regularly so that the plant will grow well. The application of liquid-based fertilizer is necessary to keep the plant growing Healthy.

The plant will thrive indoors, and you need to ensure regular application of fertilizer to avoid cases where it will lack certain nutrients. Avoid overdoing the fertilizer application because it can lead to different side effects.

Too much fertilizer can lead to root burn.

– Pruning Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

You should prune Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma during spring. Ensure you prune it to maintain the right size. If it is growing to overcome the required size in your home, you should ensure the pant comes in the right position.

Use sterile pruning shears and cut the leave stems to the required size. If you do not have the shears, you can pinch the vine tips to keep the plant in the right size. You can as well prune the plant so that you can get stems to propagate.

– Re-Potting and Tips

There are several tips you should follow when re-potting the plant.

For example, you should ensure you extract the plant from the original pot gently. Remove excess soil from the plant’s roots before you can transfer it to a new pot. Ensure you trim all decaying roots before transplanting the plant.

When you trim the decaying roots, it will develop new roots in the new pot. Choose a pot with a diameter of 6 to 10 inches and ensure you fill the new pot with the new mixture halfway. It will provide the required nutrients to grow the new plant.

Introduce Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma to the new pot and watch out for its growth. It should maintain consistent growth over time.

After filling the new pot halfway with the right potting mixtures, use fresh potting soil to fill the pot for the plant to get the required mixture to grow.

– Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Propagation

The process of propagating the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma involves snipping the stem. Ensure you expose about four nodes and four leaves so that the plant will start growing. It is a plant that is propagated with stem cuttings.

Ensure you leave about four inches. The plant will start growing after you ensure it has enough leaves and nodes to make it start growing. Remove the leaves at the nodes to allow the plant to develop new roots.

It is a plant that is easy to propagate. To ensure the plant starts growing. You can cut it into systems and then put it in a jar of water stand until it starts developing roots. It will be ready to be potted and start growing over time.

Common Diseases and Problems

Several diseases are known to affect the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma. It is good to know more about the diseases and put in place the necessary measures to deal with them.

Some of the diseases you should be proposing to deal with include diseases such as spider mites. The mites tend to attack the plant and will end up slowing down the growth.

You can prevent your plant from suffering from such attacks by applying pesticides. Root rot is another issue that you should worry about. The spider mites feed on the plant sap, making it weaken over time.

Insect Pests Problems of Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

The common insects that are known to affect the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma are the spider mites. The mites feed on the sap, and it can easily lead to the death of the plant.

The sap supplies the plant with the necessary nutrients to thrive; if the pests feed on the sap, then the plants will not have enough ingredients to feed on. Get the pests out of your plant to enjoy good health.

You should be on the checkout to avoid cases where the sap has been affected by the spider mites and apply the right pesticides to remove them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma a Monstera?

No, the two plants are not the same but Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is sometimes called mini Monstera, but they do not belong to the same family. They also belong to a separate genus.

You will be having two different plants in your home if you decide to go for the two plant families. They may look alike, but they are different plants you can ever introduce to your potted plant’s list.

Is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Rare?

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a rare tropical plant in the wild. If you are looking for a rare plant to introduce to your home, then you should think about the plant. It has ornamental leaves that can grow up to six inches.

The leaves look like a smaller version of the Monstera Deliciosa, making many people confuse them with Mini Monstera. They are attractive plants you can grow at home.

What Is the Difference Between Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma And Monstera Deliciosa?

Yes, there is a big difference. The Monstera Deliciosa is a large plant when compared to the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. They may look alike, but they are two different plants. The care of the two pants varies.

You should be prepared to put the necessary efforts into taking care of the two plants. Small leaves characterize Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.

How Fast Does Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Grow?

The plants can grow up to 12 feet in a season. If you would like plants that will not be too large in your home, then you need to get the plants. They are well adapted to do well in indoor spaces.

It spread branches in all directions making your balcony look green at all times. The plants require special care. It can achieve maximum growth in a season with the proper condition.

Do Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Leaves Get Bigger?

The plants require bright sunlight to do well. You need to provide enough sunlight if you want the plant, so do well. They will get the required sunlight and do well if you can have them in an east-facing room.

Ensure you offer filtered sunlight if you want the plant to do well in your home.

How Do You Get Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma To Climb?

The plants are climbers. Ensure you place them near a pole or a wall for them to climb. The aerial roots produced by the plant make them grow. A moss pole is very necessary to make the plant grow fast.

You can also grow the plants in a hanging basket and spread them to reach more height. The plants are easy to grow in any indoor space.

Does Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Need A Moss Pole?

To support Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma to claim climb, it is a good idea if you can provide them with a moss pole. They will grow fast to assure you a great experience as you grow them.

If you would like the plant to grow well in your interior space, you need to buy a moss pole. The pole will provide the necessary space to grow and reach a great height.

Is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Toxic to Pets or Humans?

The plants are not toxic to humans, but they can cause health complications to pets. If your pet ingests the plant, it may face different health complications. So this plan is one of the plants that are toxic to cats and dogs.

The plants contain a high level of calcium oxalate crystals that are toxic to animals such as dogs and cats. If you keep your pets at home, ensure they do not chew on the plants because they can expose them to different health complications.

Does Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Plant Flower?

It is hard for the plants to flower. They can grow for several years in your home, but they do not flower. They are propagated through cuttings. You will be required to have them produce flowers or seeds.

You can spread them in your home through prPropagationhere you will cut the stems and grow them. They are easy to grow plants that produce green foliage in your home.

Why Are My Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Getting Brown Spots?

Several issues can make the plant produce brown spots. The common cause is overwatering. If you apply too much water to the plants, they will start producing brown spots.

To ensure the plants do not produce brown spots, ensure you do not overwater them. Another reason the plants can produce brown spots is the lack of enough exposure to sunlight.

When exposed to enough sunlight, they will not develop brown leaves.

Why Is My Tetrasperma Turning Yellow?

If you expose the plants to too much sun, they can produce yellow flowers. Ensure you do not expose the plants to too much water or mulch. When they are exposed to too much water or mulch, they will start yellowing due to a lack of oxygen.

Ensure you check out the plants for possible pests and maintain the right amounts of water. They are plants that require moderate watering. Ensure the soil is not waterlogged, and your plants will stay healthy at all times.

Why Is My Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Losing Fenestrations?

The plant can start losing fenestration even if it is healthy. They may be too young to split the leaves. The plants are still immature and will lose fenestration. It is not a bad sign.

You need to check out the level of water and fertilizer to avoid cases where your plants will start developing stunted growth. If you can provide all the necessary plants, you will have a plant that will grow well.

What is Variegated Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma?

It is a plant that has different colors. Your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma can have different colors due to different reasons. Maybe pests have been attracted, or the soil is not rich enough to provide the necessary nutrients to grow well.

If you realize your pant is developing different colors, check on the different ingredients or availability of pests that may affect your plant.


Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a plant that has all the necessary characteristics to make it a perfect potted plant. If you would like to improve your home’s humidity naturally, then you end up getting the plant.

Several homeowners have planted it, and they offer good reviews. The different features of the plant make it an excellent way for you to enjoy the best experience when at home. You can introduce it to your pot, which will be a source of attraction at home.

Its care does not involve a lot of care. You will be required the best experience after you get the plant. It is a high-quality plant developed to assure you great success as you try to beautify your home.

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